Making a Difference

Most of us have heard the story about the little boy  who was walking along a beach where thousands of distressed starfish had washed ashore. 

One at a time, the boy gently picked them up and tossed them into the ocean surf. Noticing the boy’s persistent efforts, a jogger passing by on the beach stopped momentarily to speak to him. The man said to the boy, "There are thousands of starfish on this beach. How do you really expect to make a difference?" The boy innocently looked up at the jogger as he flung another starfish into the water. "I'm making a difference for that one!"

We at United Response International know we can't help everyone in need.  But God has called us to help those he places before us.

Based in Virginia Beach, Virginia we are faithful humanitarians who partner with others in strategic locations around the world to respond to specific needs when they are brought to our attention. All of our work is done on a volunteer basis; there are no paid positions at URI. Because of that, about 95 cents of every dollar donated to URI goes directly to the those in need of assistance.

Our goal is to help children and families in crisis by helping them to become educated, skilled, independent and self-sustaining. Whether it is training young Pakistani women to sew, or housing and educating orphans in Kenya, we can do so much more when we work together to change the world in a united response.

Like the boy with the starfish, we can do our small part to to make a difference. We are changing lives and giving children and families in crisis a hope and future