Cows for Kenya Orphan Kids

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Milk can grow their bodies strong. The orphaned and at-risk children at the Guy Frederick Earle Center in Busia, Kenya drink a lot of milk each day. URI has provided them with four milk cows. Instead of spending money to purchase milk, these cows provide the children with plenty of fresh, nutritious milk to meet their needs. Each cow produces about 16 liters of milk daily. That means enough is left over to sell and the funds are then used to purchase food for the children.

Our goal—along with partner Harvest of Hope Africa is eventual food self-sufficiency. The children at GFE deserve to be given an opportunity to become independent. They desire a hand up, not a hand out.

Eventually, we would like provide them with a chicken coop and chickens so they may eat and sell fresh eggs. A greenhouse, farming tools and seeds would provide them with fresh fruit and vegetables to do the same. Food independence is possible and we trust it will become a reality for the GFE Center children.