Building Better Education In Kenya as Covid-19 Pandemic Subsides


Classroom Roofing Underway

Amazing progress on four new classrooms under construction at GFE Center in Kenya. Facing a return to school deadline, we expect iron roofing to be put in place soon. Our partner—Harvest of Hope Africa expects half of the 320 high school students will attend classes in these four classrooms. Please consider helping us to finish this project . Funds are still needed to complete the classrooms with windows, doors, plaster finishing and painting.


Once construction is completed, instruction will be provided for 40-students in each of the four classrooms.


New Classrooms so Education may Continue

The Kenyan government condemned the old high school at GFE Center because termites had infested the wooden framed classrooms. The school was deemed unsafe for the children. That’s when URI partners stepped in to help build four new classrooms at this time. A total of eight classrooms will be needed to house all 320 orphaned and at-risk students at GFE Center.