URI's sewing school in Pakistan has helped young women gain independence after learning the skills they need to successfully begin their own tailoring business.

Young Sarah is from an extremely poor Christian family.

She is thankful for the opportunity to attend the classes and says "the sewing skills encourage me because I know I will soon be able to support my family financially." 

Sarah and nineteen other students now have a chance to break free from a life of poverty and dependence working as house servants for abusive employers.

Sarah told us, "I am so thankful for the instruction I have received and the equipment at the sewing center. I now have hope."  

The video above is from an early class when they were first introduced to their sewing machines.

If  we can raise additional funds, we may start another school soon and help more needy girls. 

Our heartfelt thanks goes out to all of our generous partners who helped provide sewing education for these Pakistani girls. They now have hope and the promise of a brighter future!

See the sewing students gallery: GALLERY